National Family Caregivers Month

National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month.

If you are caring for a loved one with cancer, you know that it is a gift to your parent or child, spouse/partner or friend. But you also know that long-term caregiving can take a physical, psychosocial and financial toll on you, as well.

Research has shown that caregivers needing to provide complex care for an extended period of time are at increased health risk themselves because of their limited time to rest, engage in self-care, and seek medical help they may need.

Your Work Stride website has a special section just for caregivers.

Managers…you play an important role in the life of your employee who has been diagnosed with cancer or in the life of your employee who has become a caregiver for a loved one with cancer. Click on the Manager’s section of your Work Stride website for videos, articles and other resources that will help you manage and support your employees through a difficult time.