Tips for Facing Fear

Tips for Facing Fear

Lillie D. Shockney, the co-developer, Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work, shares some tips she has learned over the years when facing fear.

This is a time in our lives when people need as many reliable resources as possible to help them overcome fear, which can lead to anxiety and depression.

  • Get up the same time of the day you normally would if you were going to work outside your home.
  • Get out of your PJs and get dressed, even in casual clothes but not clothes that could substitute for PJs.
  • Take a shower. Wash your hair and use a special soap or shampoo that you have been saving for some time special.
  • If you typically put on make-up to go to work, put on at least part of your make up.
  • Limit yourself to 20 minutes of stressful news regardless of where you get it (cable TV, social media, newspapers, etc.), and do NOT have the news on TV or computer be the last thing you do before going to bed.
  • Call, video chat or email family/friends.
  • Make a list of things you WILL get done that day and stick to it.
  • Get some physical activity every day, even if it’s only a brief walk.
  • Watch a VERY funny movie.
  • Make a list on paper of what you are thankful for today.

Lillie D Shockney, RN., BS., MAS, HON- ONN-CG, is a University Distinguished Service Professor of Breast Cancer and professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.