World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day is August 1, 2019. Lung cancer continues to be one of the most common cancers worldwide, claiming more lives yearly than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined. It is estimated that lung cancer accounts for nearly 1 in 5 cancer deaths globally. World Lung Cancer Day is a great opportunity for us all to raise awareness about lung cancer, highlighting the key risk factors, which include both smoking and passive exposure to tobacco smoke, biomass fuels, diesel exhaust, radon, asbestos and other environmental and workplace carcinogens.

You can be screened for lung cancer, using a low-dose CT scan. Here are the criteria to determine if you are eligible for the screening:

  • You smoked (or smoke) 1 pack of cigarettes a day for more for 30 years OR
  • You smoked (or smoke) 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 15 years and
  • You currently smoke OR
  • You have quit within the past 15 years
  • You are between the ages of 55 and 80

To find out if you are eligible, please speak to your Work Stride oncology nurse navigator or your physician.

You can read more about lung cancer in the Cancer Types” section of your Work Stride website.